Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Summary Of The Lord s Messenger Essay - 1537 Words

In verse nine, I observe that the Lord’s messenger asks Hagar to return to a life of servitude despite ill treatment from Sarai. I now question why the Lord might want Hagar to endure this mistreatment, but in verse ten the messenger says that Hagar will be rewarded and given so many children that they cannot be counted. 1 Peter 2:18 may offer some insight as to why God asks Hagar to return to her master, it says, â€Å"Household slaves, submit by accepting the authority of your masters with all respect. Do this not only to good and kind masters but also to those who are harsh.† I still wonder why the Lord requests her to endure this mistreatment. Verses nine and ten remind me of a couple reoccurring themes from the bible which may help answer some my questions. The first theme concerns God promising many descendants to those who trust in him. Perhaps many descendants embody the greatest reward of this time. The second theme of this passage deals with God uplifting and supporting the marginalized, as highlighted in Matthew 20:16, â€Å"Those who are last shall be first and those who are first shall be last.† In verses 11-12 the Lord’s messenger tells Hagar that the Lord has heard of her mistreatment and will thus grant her a son named Ishmael. In verse 12, I observe that Ishmael will be a wild mule of a man, who will fight everyone and live at odds with his relatives. I wonder why the author portrays Ishmael’s demeanor of fighting as a positive attribute. In verses 13 and 14, HagarShow MoreRelatedThe Conflicts Between Europeans And Africans1376 Words   |  6 Pagesarrested. For many days they were starved and abused profusely. The leaders where then ransomed for two hundred and fifty bags of cowries or they would be hanged. The money was raised and fifty of the cowries were given to the messenger s court. Okonkwo decapitated the head messenger of the District Commissioner. 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